8th April 2019

Healthy Eating in the Office

There are many different kinds of eaters in the work place:

· The Takeaway King – The one who constantly eats out and eats what they want, but doesn’t get any bigger.

· The Extreme Dieter – The one who only drinks milkshakes to help them shift those Christmas pounds.

· The All Year Round Healthy one – The one who always eats healthy no matter what as it’s all they like.

· The Moderator – The one who eats everything in moderation, doesn’t believe in cutting everything out.

· The Veggie – Every office has a Veggie (I think).

· The Yo-Yo Dieter – The one who is healthy for a week, then thinks that one take away won’t harm, then two, then three. You catch my drift.

· The Picker – The one that picks at everything in the communal area, then moans that they haven’t lost any weight this week and does not know why.

Swapping Healthy for Unhealthy

There are many ways to do this:

· Make sure there is plenty of water on offer at the office and not fizzy pop for people to be drinking empty calories.

· Have plenty of fruit on offer as a much healthier snack other than chocolates, sweets & crisps.

· Bring your own lunch and also breakfast if necessary. If you forget and have to go to the shop you always ending buying more than you need.

· Swap out sugar in your tea for sweeteners or even cut it out altogether.

· Maybe even start a boot camp for a team building exercise which will also help employees shift some extra pounds and also have a fresh clean mind ready to go back to work and power through all the hard work.

Healthy Lunch Ideas:

· Chicken (chicken is the answer to everything) (unless you’re a veggie oops).

· Salads

· Sandwiches/Toasties

· Last night’s leftovers

· Anything wrapped in lettuce – get rid of those carbs

· Wraps

· Soups

· Pastas

· Stews

· Omelettes/frittatas

· Make your own “Lunchable”

· Topped rice cakes

· Sushi

· Flatbreads

· Burger/burrito in a bowl (Everything but the bread).

· Stuffed peppers

· Low-carb pancakes

· Baked eggs in ham cups

· Baked/overnight oats

· Fruit salad

· Couscous/rice/quinoa


· Plenty of fruit

· Nuts

· Eggs

· Raw veg with a dip

· Yogurt

· Hummus

· Peanut Butter

If there are many of you trying to eat healthy in the office then this is often the biggest help you could ask for. If a group of you are eating healthy it is so much easier to stay on track, helping each other out with recipes and making sure you don’t eat that biscuit as you will regret it later.

At EST we are very fortunate as many of us are trying to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, we all help each other out to stay on track. It also helps that we have all the facilities we need to eat healthy – cold water drinking fountain, fresh fruit daily, we have standing desks so members of staff can break up their day, we are also fetching the boot camp idea into play soon and last but not least we have a table tennis table to help get staff members out of their seat and onto their feet. What more could we ask for? …Well we have a gym membership included as part of the job, literally everything we need to stay fit and healthy. Let’s hope we have a good year.