4th August 2023

How Businesses Can Best Support Employees Experiencing Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause, a transformative phase in a woman’s life, brings about significant physical and emotional changes due to hormonal shifts. With menopause affecting a substantial portion of the workforce, we at EST believe it is crucial for businesses to understand and address the challenges faced by employees experiencing menopausal symptoms. By implementing supportive policies and fostering a culture of understanding, companies can create a positive work environment that promotes well-being and productivity. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies for businesses to support employees during this challenging life stage.

Education and Awareness

The first step in supporting employees with menopausal symptoms is to raise awareness and provide education on menopause in the workplace. Many individuals, including both women and men, may have limited knowledge about menopause and its potential impact on work performance and well-being. By offering workshops, training sessions, or informational resources, businesses can create a more informed and empathetic workplace environment.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, fatigue, and mood swings can significantly affect an employee’s daily life and work performance. Offering flexible work arrangements can be a valuable solution to help alleviate these challenges. Companies can consider implementing options such as flexible hours, remote work, or compressed workweeks, allowing employees to manage their workload and schedule more effectively during periods of discomfort, low mood or low energy.

Open Communication and Supportive Culture

Encouraging open communication is crucial for businesses to support employees experiencing menopausal symptoms. Creating a safe and supportive space where employees can discuss their concerns and needs without fear of judgment is essential. Managers and supervisors should receive appropriate training to facilitate conversations about menopause and respond empathetically. Companies can also establish support networks or employee resource groups to foster solidarity and provide a platform for sharing experiences.

Wellness Programmes and Resources

Promoting employee well-being is essential for any organisation, and menopause should be no exception. Implementing wellness programmes and resources that specifically address menopausal symptoms can significantly benefit affected employees. Providing access to health information, counselling services, mindfulness programmes, nutrition and exercise initiatives can contribute to overall well-being and help individuals better manage the physical and emotional changes associated with menopause.

Environmental Adjustments

Modifying the work environment to accommodate menopausal symptoms can have a positive impact on employees’ comfort and productivity. Simple adjustments such as providing access to fans, adjusting temperature controls, or allowing the use of personal desk fans can help alleviate hot flushes. Offering comfortable seating, access to natural light, and noise reduction measures can also contribute to a more supportive work environment.

Supporting employees with menopausal symptoms is not only beneficial for individuals going through this life stage, but it also contributes to a more inclusive and compassionate workplace culture. By prioritising education, flexibility, open communication, and wellness initiatives, businesses can create an environment where all employees feel understood, supported, and empowered. Investing in the well-being of employees during menopause not only helps retain valuable talent but also strengthens the overall success and profitability of the organisation.  With this approach, businesses can foster a culture of empathy, respect, and equality, leading to increased job satisfaction and employee well-being and happiness.

How can our HR Team help?

In developing your strategies, it is prudent also to bear in mind that research is also showing that despite different generations fundamentally people are people and there are similarities in what they want out of work – meaning, purpose, good leaders, professional growth.  The difference is how each generation expresses these needs and what expectations companies have about fulfilling them.

We can offer expertise in developing your multi-generational strategy and supporting your team when it is implementation.

EST also offer a range of relevant management training which is relevant to this topic:

Please contact our HR Team if you would like more information about this or any other support in respect of HR or organisational and management development 02921 303888 or